What does one do on a "rest" day?
Photo by Eric Seeger, Have Camera Will Travel

Cattle Brands of the Western Trail:
While at rest at Albany, I had an opportunity to interview Robert Wanat about the history of the Texas' cattle brands. Mr. Wanat has created several wonderful calfskin maps of Texas that display the first registered cattle brand for not only each county in Texas (after statehood), but also for the Republic of Texas and the even older, registered Spanish brands. Here's more about Robert and his work:

Robert Wannett's hide with first registered cattle brands.
Photo by elderbob.

This is an interveiw with Mr. Robert Wanat. Mr. Wanat has created miniature cattle brands based on the first registered brand in each county in Texas and affixed them to a cow hide map of the state. Here is how he came up with the idea and how he did his research.

Close up of Wanat's cattle brand map.
Photo by elderbob.

You can buy tickets for a drawing to win one of Robert's awesome maps, at the traveling Western Trail goody wagon from Dave Burrell. Just ask at camp and anyone can point you in Dave's direction.
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